 motorcyclist on the Nockalm road

Adventure for Motorcyclists

Motorcyclists in motorbike heaven

The most beautiful bends and turns on the motorbike tour through the Nockberge

The Nockalm Road has far exceeded its status as an insiders’ tip among bikers and is now regarded as a classic. The mountain road, which has been perfectly adapted to the terrain, impresses motorcyclists of all classes with its 52 bends and numerous turns. Get to know the panoramic road at the heart of the Nockberge from early May to late October – the Nockberge show a new face in every season. Glowing azaleas, colourful flower meadows and golden larches in autumn constantly create a new atmosphere. But that’s only one reason to ride on this popular motorbike tour in Austria multiple times. Please note that there’s a general ban for motorcyclists between 6 pm and 8 am.
 motorcyclist on the Nockalm road